dTour Kick-off meeting
Monday, February 15th 2021
dTour project is a new Erasmus + ‘KA202 – Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training’ (01.12.2020 – 30.04.2023) which aims to introduce digitalisation in order to boost small and medium-sized enterprises’ performance in the field of tourism and hospitality. The project is coordinated by DIMITRA Education & Consulting while seven more partners from Greece, Cyprus, United Kingdom, Sweden and Spain, specialized in the field of education, tourism and new digital media, work together for the successful implementation and outcomes of the project results. The project is considered particularly innovative as its goal is to train and certify professionals in the field of Tourism and Hospitality with modern digital skills, resulting in a new Occupational Profile, the ‘dTour advisers’. The aim is to support small and medium-sized enterprises through the provision of services focused on new digital skills. dTour advisers may be people who have already worked in tourism and hospitality, and would like to improve their skills and/or employment opportunities. They may also be small or medium-sized enterprises’ owners or managers who understand the need for digitilization and would like to introduce their business to new digital age, or business consultants who are already working or interested in working with small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, dTour project will result in the creation of an innovative Guide that will enable small and medium-sized enterprises to navigate in the new digital technologies and tools they could use as well as find a dTour certified business consultant.
On February 11, 2021, the coordinator of the project dTour: Introducing digitalization for boosting SMEs in Tourism and Hospitality, DIMITRA Education & Consulting, coordinated the first transnational meeting of the project, online through the electronic platform Zoom, due to COVID-19 restrictions. The meeting was attended by the following partners: ACTA – Aristotle Certification Training and Assessment, MMC – Management Mediterranean Centre, Larnaka Tourism Board, RINOVA, Chamber of Magnesia, Folkuniversitetet, Invat-Tur – Valencia Institute of Tourism Technologies.
The kick-off meeting started with welcoming from the project coordinator and then all partners presented their organization as well as their relevant experience to the project.
The project coordinator then presented a general overview about the project (general idea, objectives and deliverables, activities and schedule) while discussions continued for more specific actions for each intellectual output. Finally, the partners discussed the project dissemination strategy, financial management issues and issues related to project quality assurance.
Prior to the final evaluation and closing of the first meeting, the partners discussed the next steps of project implementation to be completed by the next meeting as well as the details of the next meeting. For more information please visit dTour website https://dtour.projectlibrary.eu/en/ or follow dTour Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/dTourEU )