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iCREATE – Boosting Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurial Mindset

Duration: 01.03.2021 / 28.02.2023 (24 months)
  • Stiftelsen Kursverksamheten Vid U-Auniversitet, Sweden
  • DIMITRA Education & Consulting, Greece
  • CERI Centre For Education, Research And Innovations, Bulgaria
  • INFODEF Instituto Para El Fomento Del Desarrollo Y La Formacion, Spain
  • ITPIO, Institut Za Podgotovka Na Slujiteliv Mejdunarodni Organizacii Zdruzhenie, Bulgaria
Authority: European Commission
Program: ERASMUS+


iCREATE aims to develop and test a Tailored Training Framework that delivers tailored training for young people (secondary, post-secondary, and HE), employed in cultural institutions or unemployed, all aspiring to become entrepreneurs and who want to start own business in cultural heritage domain.


The objectives of the project are:

1) Research analysis of the young people level of entrepreneurship competencies in the creative and cultural sector

2) Tailored Training Framework & TNA

3) MOOC for improvement of skills and knowledge of young people for business startup in the creative and cultural sector

4) Step by step guide for the cultural company life cycle