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During the period 21 to 23 November 2023, two  face-to-face workshops of the project partners took place in Larissa. The first workshop was implemented in the framework of the 3rd work package concerning the development of the sustainability competence of the staff of Educational Institutions and their certification through ISO17024. The second workshop was implemented in the framework of the 4rth workpackage that relates to the development of a roadmap for the trasnformation of Educational Institutions into a Whole Institution Approach to sustainability.

The aim of the first workshop was to translate the knowledge, skills and attitudes statements from GreenComp into learning outcomes using Bloom’s taxonomy and to align these outcomes with EQF level 6.

The aim of the second workshop was to decide how an Educational Institution will be certified through the implementation of different activities leading to a Whole  Institution Approach (WIA) to sustainability. Several approaches for certification were presented that included:

  • Certification of activities
  • Certification of indicators
  • Certification of changerate of change achieved between the baseline year and the comparison year

The consortium discussed advantages and disadvantages of the three approaches and decision is still pending.

However, some pilot activities have been developed (as a case study) that focused on:

  • organizational governance
  • social cooperation
  • leadership roles
  • pedagogical curricula

The final certification process will be announced soon.

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